Sexy Maid

Questions & Answers

You might have further questions regarding our service. Please search our FAQ below for more information and if necessary you may reach out to us with any additional questions you may have.

Of course! This is a legitimate cleaning business with a twist. So we encourage all of our customers to enjoy the sights and sounds but understand that there is no touching or self-gratification allowed!

First you book an appointment and communicate via email to confirm if the date and time is available. Then you will be sent a client agreement form which will need to be signed before the appointment takes place. The day of your appointment, security personnel will enter the home to confirm the I.D. of the client. Once your identity is confirmed, the maid will enter your home and collect payment for services. At which time you can discuss what cleaning tasks you’d like to have completed. You may discuss other cleaning request which the maid can, at her discretion, accept or deny. The maid will need a changing room to get into uniform. The hour starts after she changes and begins cleaning. However, please note and failure to provide cash payment and the maid will cancel the appointment.

The maid will bring basic supplies, such as rags, magic eraser, Swiffer, etc. She will also bring personal protective equipment like gloves, eye protection, masks, etc, and will use those as necessary. However, cleaning tasks needing larger items such as a mop, vacuum cleaner, or pressure washer, the maid will require that the client provide those items, since it would be unreasonable for the maid to bring those items. Remember it’s your home and we’d prefer not to introduce sprays and cleaners you are not use to.

The maid will perform any cleaning tasks asked of her which can be completed within the allotted booking time. For example, she will dust, wash dishes, fold laundry, vacuum, mop, clean a pool, etc. However, the maid will only bring light cleaning materials. Therefore, items like a vacuum, pressure washer, etc, will need to be provided by the client. If the client wants a more intensive tasks completed or a deep cleaning, the client will have to book a 2 or 3 hour booking.

In the event that you pay ahead or pay a down payment a refund will only be given under a few circumstances. First, if there is an act of God, such as, a natural disaster, a major unforeseen emergency, etc. Secondly, if the maid needs to cancel for any reason, then a refund will be provided.

If you need to reschedule that’s understandable. We ask that you email us at and let us know as soon as possible. Please note, that if you attempt to reschedule to many times and block off appointments that could be used for others, we will no longer accept your booking request.

Absolutely not. Our Top-Down maid is providing a cleaning service with a visual entertainment twist. She will not perform any sexual services, which include touching the customer, being touched by the customer, etc. The maid will stay within the parameters of the law and only perform cleaning services in naughty clothing. Any attempts to solicit illegal services from the maid will be denied and may result in appointment termination if the maid deems it necessary for her safety.

The maid is there to give you a good time by allowing you to look while see cleans up your home, pool, lawn, whatever you may need. She will also be happy to engage with you in conversation. We want to give you a good time, but we want to do it legally.

You can still fill out the booking form with your preferred time and date and we will contact via email and attempt to accommodate your request. Some request may require additional payment since they will require extra accommodations from us.

As of now, we only service the counties of Hillsborough, Pasco, Pinellas, and Manatee. If you are outside of those counties but still in the Central Florida area, please email or use the contact us form to inquire if we can service you at a different location. Please keep in mind that, for any areas outside the specified counties, the price will be increased for travel and a minimum of a two-hour block will need to be booked. The details of pricing & scheduling will be presented through the email correspondence.

ABSOLUTELY NOT! At no point may a client touch the Top-Down Maid. Doing so will violate the service agreement and the appointment will be immediately terminated without a refund.

Absolutely NOT! The maid is providing a cleaning service with an entertaining twist. You can enjoy the views while getting your home cleaned but the maid is not providing that type of service. That is reserved for your private time.

Of course. It is understood that the service may be purchased as a gift for a partner or friend. This will be acceptable if the recipient of the service signs our service agreement before the appointment. During check out you will need to provide their information and email so that we may send them the service agreement.

Due to our requirement that everyone present needs to have signed the cleaning agreement, we usually only offer services to one person at a time or a couple. The maid will not provide service if we are told there will be only one person present and when she arrives there is a surprise group of people.

We understand that people in the lifestyle have different needs and we are willing to accommodate those needs. Events such as swinger parties or cleaning for a group of nudists are events that we are happy to accommodate but they may require additional fees and requirements due to the larger group of people. We welcome you to book or submit your questions regarding these type of events to

The initial service agreement stipulates that recording devices are not allowed. However, we give leniency to the maid to decide if she will allow the client to record. If she agrees, the maid will provide the client with an amendment to the service agreement which will allow for recording at an extra cost.

Unfortunately, at the moment we are not hiring any new maids. However, that may change in the future so please check back for any changes.

For any additional information please don’t hesitate to email us at and we will be happy to answer any other questions.

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